Fast & Easy Garlic Green Beans
1. Choose slender, smooth, bright green, string beans; Costco sells them in bags; no trimming needed. Wash and put aside.
2. Chop garlic coarsely, as much as you want, chopped or pressed as you prefer! Leave for 10 minutes as this helps the sulfur compound "alliin" conver to "allicin"which provides the health benefits of garlic. Tip: Use salt or fresh lemon juice to remove garlic odor from your hands.
3. Add a small amount of EV olive oil in a large frying pan or pot that can be covered; lightly cover the bottom of the pan, you do not need much.
4. Add garlic and cook over medium heat for a few minutes, the longer the more crisp.
5. Turn up heat to high and add bean; make sure they wet, just the water from washing them is enough. Cook, stirring constantly, for a few minutes. You can cover the pan if you prefer them a little more cooked. You can also add a splash of soy sauce and pepper to taste.
6. Enjoy!
mmmm. i'm going to make them tomorrow!! thanks uncle richard.